Client art & testimonials
LEAT supports a wide range of neurodivergent adults and young people across Leicester and Leicestershire, some of whom have been kind enough to share their feedback and examples of their creative work here...

illustration above by Ariel, current LEAT client
"LEAT is a very supportive and helpful service. The support workers are very friendly and understanding of my needs."
music video above by Lawrence, current LEAT client
"As one of LEAT's longest term clients, I have found the support I've received from the charity extremely useful in a variety of areas, ranging from confidence-building to developing skills for employment and living independently. Through the years LEAT have supported me, I have become a much more confident and able person, eager to try new things, develop new skills and search for opportunities. I would very highly recommend the charity to individuals with AS who wish to build their confidence and skill set."
pattern design above by Nicola, current LEAT client
"Both the support and the social aspects of LEAT have been very enlightening over the several years that I have been with LEAT. Over these years, I have achieved academic success and gained support with achieving my goals such as volunteering and marriage. I have received excellent support regarding job and benefits applications, as well as good advice on how to approach any difficulties and any decisions I may need to make. As for the socials, I find them quite good overall in terms of communicating with peers, learning about new things and engaging with others about different hobbies and interests. I have made a friend through the social and although she is no longer with LEAT, we have become best friends and we see each other at least monthly; and she has been a bridesmaid at my wedding 💍. In conclusion I find LEAT to be a highly recommended service for anyone who is on the autism spectrum to better themselves in every way possible and improve their lives."

writing sample above by Mark, current LEAT client
"Having officially been a client of LEAT for over ten years now, I am in a great position to endorse the highly effective support LEAT provides. Their staff are very professional and highly experienced in the field of support work, especially concerning supporting people with Asperger’s Syndrome. LEAT offers one-to-one support for its clients and also runs a weekly social morning, which allows LEAT clients to meet with each other regularly in Leicester."
model painting above by Robert, current LEAT client
Add your voice...
We value your feedback and contributions. If you are a current or past client of LEAT's, or have worked with us in some other capacity, feel free to send your thoughts, testimonials and/or creative work to:
Thanks in advance!